Shiatsu is a Japanese healing technique for the body which is based on the principles of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has also been characterized as “acupuncture without needles”. With Shiatsu the body is toned or relaxed, through pressure (mostly using the thumbs) of key acupuncture points that are specific for each case.
A shiatsu session might include joint rotations, pressure with the palms, thumbs, elbows or/ and feet.
The shiatsu physical therapy method, promotes the quality of life, relieves from stress and pain of certain causes and increases elasticity of muscles and tendons. It is deeply relaxing and already after the first session your body will be more upright and you will feel calmer, revived and more concentrated.
It is ideal for:
emotional management
migraines, headaches, insomnia
digestion problems, colitis and other stomach disorders
breathing problems,
cervical syndrome, lumbago, sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, sports injurie
gynecological problems, premenstrual syndrome
fatigue, weakness etc.
What is a shiatsu session like?
You should wear comfortable clothes (cotton training pants, preferably long-sleeved t-shirt and socks). The sessions are performed on a special “futon” mattress.
Each session might be completely different than the previous one, a characteristic that has made shiatsu so popular, as to be the most preferred kind of massage. It lasts about 1 hour and 15 minutes. The first session lasts a little longer due to the medical history recording.
How many sessions are needed?
For chronic cases a set of 6 to 7 sessions are enough. For more acute cases 1-2 sessions repeated occasionally are enough to show the first results. Each person though, is unique and special and reacts according to the way of life that has been used to.
How much does it cost?
One Shiatsu session costs 50€. House visits cost 70€.
See slso: